Sunday, December 6, 2009


This blog will no longer be active, feel free to browse through my old posts if you like.

I am relocating to


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who's a blacksheep? What's a blacksheep?

My grades are outstanding, I've never had all A's and B's before.
My left thigh is numb.
I'm wearing socks and boxers.
My computer doesn't have a sound card.
Tuesday was my first time breakdancing in a month, I've gotten rusty.
I'm going to bike to school tomorrow.
The bedroom is a mess.
I lost my boombox keychain.
I haven't done any homework at all this week.
I want Milk Tea.
My uniform needs to be washed.
I feel like playing basketball sometime soon. Who's D?
Tomorrow is a halfday at school.
My grandma bugs the shit out of me sometimes, but I love her.
I have a dog named Dollars.
I just farted.
Restaurant City is an awesome game, I hate to admit it.
Facebook games are addicting in general.
Facebook will be the death of us humans.
I need some new tracks, been listening to same playlists over and over everyday.
All of my shoes are dirty, except for my ball shoes.
I don't have much money in my wallet.

At times, it seems as though I never experience anything worth writing about. That is why there has been an extreme lack of substance in my worrrrrrdds.

Who's a blacksheep? What's a blacksheep?


Excuse my disposition but I'm all out of information to present.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I haven't been on in a minute. Trying to get good grades in school. Been playing a lot of CS and Farmville, haha. Uhh.. still stocking up on fresh gear for the winter! Getting back into basketball, the illest thing ever. I'm using a friend's old computer, I used to use it all the time whenever I went to house. It was lying around, so I decided to take it in, another man's trash is another man's treasure. YAHMEANNNNN!? I really don't have shit to say, other than the fact that it's 11:14pm, where the hell did the time go? Anyways, here's some pics, enjoy!

Courtesy of Max Ho photography. (C) 2009 Holla.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What is a girl without her sisters?

Without 'em, I'd be a lonely motherfucker!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Everywhereyouneverbeen, FresherthanIeverbeen.

This is basically what's been goin' on with me. Not much, but it gets me by.

I've been dancing a lot. Expressing my soul through imagination and manifesting it with my body on the dancefloor, breakdancing. School is hard, but I'm actually doing my work this year. I'm goin' hard to plan my future. Drawing, drawing, drawing. Vibing to my playlists. Trying to get some concepts and designs down for Only Right Clothing Line. Saving money. Commuting by bike, everywhere. Revenovating the house. Getting ready for my aunt's wedding. Remaining on my hustle so that I remain laced up. Get Right or Get Left. Be safe, stay out the tall grass, there are Raticates everywhere.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WTF is a JKV!?

Everyone's always askin' me. "Hey Max, who's that chick you're always with?" Firstly, I'm not always with her. She's one of my closest friends. It's not only the booty-calls that have me coming back for more, it's her personality. She has an awesome sense of humor. She's an avid gamer and likes to eat frozen yogurt. Judy is just down to earth. An amazing catch and there aren't many women out there like her.

That wraps it up. So quit buggin' me.

Just for kicks: I'm sure you remember Mr. Cao

& This is Gage and I at the Aids Walk. I'm sure you remember him as well.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


So I jumped on board.

I met up with Ralph last night, accompanied by his mans and our boy Hezekiah. We ate at Five Guys downtown. I must say, Ralph was a cool ass cat. He spoke passionately about ORCL. To him, it's not just about the money, it's about the respect, I can dig it. He also loves Pokemon, and when I say Pokemon, I don't mean Pokemon, I mean Pokemon (pussy), yah'msayng? He asked me to be a designer for the clothing line. So I did what I thought was Only Right.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I had a lot to write about but I decided to put all things aside and share with you my favorite poem, from my favorite author.

I give you, Tupac Amaru Shakur.

The Rose that Grew from Concrete

Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong
it learned to walk without having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Let the festivities begin!


This, my friends, is history.

Like my man KG @, I am also a Hundreds head.

So I've gotta admit that the Hundreds' first ever magazine issue in my hands, plus the fact that I am one of the very few in this city to have gotten a hold of one before it releases, has got me squealing like a horny 8 year old girl at a boyband concert . Not only is it primarily filled with pictures and not words (YESSSS), it also came with:

On a side note, the homie Ky Cao is enjoying his time in SE Asia right now, hope you're having fun and that you have a safe trip back !

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Call Me Crazy.

Even along this short time period since summer of 07', it's amazing to think back and reminisce over all the drastic changes that I've undergone; with myself and my surroundings. Somedays I just lay in bed, and I get random flashes of people I >used< to know. Back in Atlanta, GA, I could say that my life was pretty settled. I had the friends I needed, plus I was aware of my resources. I can still remember the drama that everyone dealt with and taking naps at Campbell's bleachers in the gym during the morning. I can remember in ROTC when I pushed the shit out of that girl for standing in my way during marching. I've seen old and new faces. Dudes who dropped out a few weeks before graduation and I witnessed firsthand the retirement of 1st Sergeant Amedeo (whom I still keep in touch with btw.) I remember driving 40 mins. outside of the city to the middle of nowhere with Julie just to get pho. I remember telling Jessica Pitts stupid shit, like how I enjoy masturbation (because I was a freshman.) Making fun of Melissa Guo all the time because she was a lesbian. Those funny ass lunchroom days with Kathy Quinche (whom I think is so very gorgeoussss!) Jackie Heim and Josh Meadows and Denzel. Also, morning talks with Aaron, the only Rican dude in town, who also happened to be a dope ass BBOY (miss you homie!) The bitter feuds I fought with dudes who thought they were better than me. Ignorant black people, preppy white people, funny ass teachers. Campbell was a small school, but giant in it's own way.

Then came my move to Florida. I anticipated hot weather in FL, but it was pretty funny, upon my arrival, happened to be the coldest in FL in 5 years. It was like 60 degrees and windy as shit, I mean like, Massachussetts weather! Made no sense! I applied for Freedom High School, but I didn't reside in their jurisdiction so they sent me to Cypress Creek. (BEAR PRIDE!) Oh how I miss that school to this very day. All of my friends were seniors, I sat outside during lunch enjoying the Florida sun while working on my farmers tan. Long convos with Rosalia and Damaris, my asian homie Jin and Nelson. Reuben Diaz, the short dominican dude that I had 7 classes with, and his perfect smile. Telling him about fashion, and how you shouldn't keep a condom in your wallet for a long time because the friction causes tears. I remember Jeffrey Jerez, I think he was dominican, but he looked Indian haha. Dr. England's Chemistry class with the Colombiano Crew! Jonathan, Fernando and El Gato! Making fun of Alexis and Crystal, Angel's funny ass antics. I miss taking the school bus, flying on the flat Florida roads. I miss all the money I saved working at El Flamboyan. I miss my boss Annie, and her 2 children that also worked there. The mexican guy who I called "EL FUEGO" in the back of the restaurant who never really told me his name. He had a heart of gold. We'd have 4 hour long convos in Spanish he'd give me rides home in his truck during those nights when it was too rainy to ride on my mountain bike. My mountain bike. R.I.P we've had many journeys.

It's funny how all my decision were based on only things that revolved around me. Falling in love, calling homies your brothers. And you look back, not regretting a thing. But I get this empty feeling in my chest, when I remember all of the things I been through. I had my own life there. Friends that were family to me. All of these people whom I don't even talk to anymore. It's kind of strange, almost like a love sick feeling.I've been there, done that and I wouldn't have chose it any other way. But even throughout all of this, I've never forgotten Philadelphia. Call me crazy, but this is where I belong.

thanks for reading. - peace to the outside, MAXITO!
sorry for the poor sentence structures. i guess i should have wrote bullets instead of paragraphs! btw, my dick.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Whaddup negroes, I don't feel like typing in my usual tongue-twisting intricate ways. So I will list everything in brief, incomplete sentences. ENJOY.

- CAPA doesn't accept Juniors. So I'm going to speak to CHAD tomorrow.
C.H.A.D - Charter High for Architecture and Design.

- RIP Franco Shade 2002-2009

-The Blueprint 3 is FIRE.
-Man On the Moon: End of the Day is not his best.
-In Godson we trust, forever.

Time after time, I find myself beginning to come up with less things to write about. I guess I'm just not feeling it.

Peace to the outside.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Farewell, Summer 2009.

Summertime, land of honeys in their skimpy outfits. Dude's rockin' hightop fades, J's and ball shorts. And the children run around the spurring fire hydrants on their blocks. That time of the year where the crime rate is excessively high. That time of the year where you can rush into your local pharmacy to soak up some of that cool A.C breeze. That time of the year, where you're in A.C, soaking up the breeze. That time of the year, ah yes. Unfortunately, there comes that time of the year, where we must give up our wife beaters for cardigans, our cargo shorts for pants, because fall is settling in, and that means school is back in session.

Our story. Just a small group of friends that reside in the southern region of urban Philadelphia. A group of friends, who does not care about what eachother is wearing. Doesn't care what music eachother is listening to. It didn't matter if we rode a fixie or carried a DSLR on our necks for no apparent reason. We were who we were. Outcasts in your land, rulers in ours. We figured, this may be the last time where we'll all have the liberty to freely get together and cause shenanigans for a very long time. Some of us are headed off to college, some of us are going to pursue our dreams as professional dancers, some of us Halo 3 online tournament champions and some of us engineers. So we held a BBQ, at our local FDR park across the stadium. I selected few of the many pictures photographed that day. Here is the aftermath.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meet Mr.Ky Cao

The Man, The Myth, The... Wait, wtf?

This guy, maybe you've seen him balling at your local court hustling children for some extra cheese, perhaps you've seen him at the beach spending time with his family. One thing's for certain, you'll find him at Abakus.

South Philadelphia's very own CAPA honor roll student grew up on the block of 15th and Tasker. Cao (26, pictured at top left) is not surprisingly one of the most interesting person(s) to have entered my life. Upon working that 3am-12am, Cao, racked up enough savings to combine together with his long time business partner and friend, to open up one of the dopest stores to ever touch Philadelphia grounds.

Ladies & Gentleman, Ky himself.

If I were to openly express my love for this man, it would be utterly homosexual. Ky is multi-talented. Dope ass artist, dope ass baller, dope ass eye for style. But most importantly, he's real as shit. When you see him, you'll find his hat cocked sideways and is pants sagged all the way down. This is not a front, it is who he is. And he is, who he says he is. He doesn't listen to Lil Wayne, nor does he jerk. He openly admits that he likes the Beatles and that he's a family man. His dope as personality and conversation skills makes him the person to be around. I remember when I first met him, with his tat still vaselined up, we had some small talk here and there. But his consistency in asking me questions about myself wasn't at all irritating. It was quite amusing because he actually took the time to make it look like he cares. Haha, anyways, enough bullshitting. This man, dope as shit, end of story. PEACE.

P.S. I can't help but laugh at the first pic.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Meet Gage Kay.

My bike riding partner, drinking buddy, fellow anti-christ, my good friend.

P.S: He didn't want his bulging dick exposed.